My White Rabbit
Do you have a rabbit at your home? I have a white rabbit in my
backyard. I love the white. Therefore, when buying this rabbit, I chosen a
white one. For three times a week, I clean mine so that the hair remains white
and clean.
Physically, he is kind of Australian rabbit which has a thick
hair, red eyes, and a big body. He is the only Australian rabbits that I have.
I bought at a price which was not too expensive. I remember the time that I
bought with the price of Rp. 200,000.
The thick hair is one of the marks of the Australian rabbit. I
love the hair, in addition to thick, my rabbit hair is so smooth and it also
does not easily fall out. In fact, I often kiss those when I play with him.
Moreover, it remains well because I am so well in maintaining. As I said
before, I clean it three times a week.
The one that makes me in awe of the Australian rabbit eyes is the
red color. When I shine my light into the eyes of him at night, his eyes would
light up and he looks like a ghost.
What about his body? You will see that the body is so great and is
different from the rabbits in general. Australian rabbit’s body may have two to
three times bigger than Indonesian. I’ve seen my rabbit standing, and it is
amazing. His body is quite large and exceeding the high of a standing rooster.
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